Monday, 28 February 2011

Statistics 2: Rise of the trolls

Its been a while since one of us has posted here, so I've decided to fill you in on what we have been getting up to. A third year noticed our acting talent and we will be featuring as zombies in a play. We don't know what the plays called and there are no posters around university but we are pretty sure it wasn't just a girl that wanted our numbers. But you never know, we are the bloggers after all.

Last November, Dan posted some statistics for the blog. Today you will be getting an updated look at the blog's stats and as well as a look at a few other things.
The blogs viewer stats back in November
The same stats now.

As you can see, we have reached 4,272 views since our blogging adventure began. The UK is still home to must of our readers, but now our second highest readership is from India with 276 views. The percentage of readers using Macs has increased to 4% and now people have started to read our blog on the go, with views coming from iPads, iPhones, iPods, BlackBerrys and a Nokia Phone.
Our most viewed post is Art Attack!!! by Ryan, posted on the 27th of October 2010.  For reasons unknown to us this post has received 1,326 views which is 31% of our total views and even more views then the whole blog of our Project Management lecturer got in a whole year! Our second most viewed post, Trollface: The Comic Rescue by me on the 11th of January 2011, only managed to get 69 views.
Now for the thing you really want to know. In our 40 posts since the blog began we have managed to include trollface a total of 59 times giving us an average of around 1.5 troll faces per post!

You've got to admit, that's not bad for 5 months.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A new Sheriff in Town!

Problem there bloggers,

I've seen you've stopped blogging and i can't allow this to happen.

We're going to have one hell of a party!


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Feels bad man

You've heard the bad news from Dan and Ryan, so now its time for me to give you some good news (followed by some slightly bad news, sorry).  Like Dan hinted at, due to our loyal fan-base and very little work for us bloggers, you got 2500 hits and Trollface is now free. But after closer examination of the kidnapper we have reason to believe we have in fact been trolled. Using my image enhancing software (as seen on CSI: Miami) we are able to reveal who was really behind the kidnapping:

U mad?

End on a High!

Hello everyone, i see Dan has broken the news to you. It is part of life i am afraid viewers, people move and and you don't get to see them though Dan and Liam like sit couple of seats away from me but thats beyond the point! We have moved into new groups, but this blog will be my favourite... THERE I SAID IT. We've had many highs, become famous in many countries and even made a BRAND!!! but don't worry, we might get reunited in the years to come.

So all i can say now is.... Tiiiimmmeee tooooo saaaaayyy goooodbyyyeeeeee


The End?

So today we were assigned into new groups for the next stage in Project Management. I think Liam has a sweet deal, but as for myself and Ryan - we kind of have it bad. In my group is friend of the Blog, Abdul who, like the bloggers, is hard working. But also we have a guy who hardly turns up and someone who pretty much everyone agrees is a complete duffis. And even though this is pretty bad, Ryan has the worst deal and I feel sorry for him. As if you could get three worse people in your group. Whether this seperation spells the end of the blog is yet to be known. Many questions are left unanswered - Will we ever get to see the second comic? Will the game ever be released? Did we free Troll Face from captivity (well, yes, so we answered that question)? Why are the people in India so obsessed with the Art Attack guy? Have we been lying to you about knowing Gary Barlow and Selena Gomez the whole time? Alright, don't give too much away Dan. And just what were the conclusions to the many stories we began to tell but didn't finish? It's a sad time indeed.

Sad Keanu and Sad Panda is sad.