Wednesday, 29 June 2011

So what's new then?

Hey viewers,

"The last picture is me doing my Xavier walk!"

 But seriously now, there's not much to comment on as us bloggers are still on our Summer holidays. When we get back to to Uni and start making games, this blog will be on Fire! with news and info that people would like to know about making games. You viewers already know that Dan has already started making a game. (psstt...psssttt Dan, you should make a quick Elite four game were you're the trainer and you have to face Liam, Abdul, me and then Gary motherf***ing Oak! and you give us pokemon which you think represents us the most XD). Liam has a much anticipated comic coming out, so please watch out for that! And for me, well i've started messing with 3ds max and trying to improve my 3d making skills, but lately i've been playing Pokemon White. P*** OFF BIANCA AND CHEREN!!! but that's not the only thing i've been doing.

"Me trying to have a cheeky w***"

Ryan (Gif God)

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Answers: Part 1

Just over 2 weeks ago I posted a cryptic image and posed a few questions. Now its time that I answered some of them. Who is this character? Well in all honesty it wasn't a character. It was a man with a blank face built using my new 3D game engine. Is it the body of the Mysterious Voice? I believe I have just answered that. Will Charles Xavier ever lose his hair and get a wheelchair? Yes, I think he will. Otherwise I have no idea who the Juggernaut was speaking to.

But at the moment I am working on a number of different projects: a game using my 3D game engine, a Pokémon game built from scratch, the Elders Game of the Year edition and this project which also uses the 3D engine. This project is known as Blogcraft. And I'm offering a sneak peek for you wonderful people right now, but in a reversal of the norm - you only get to see the credits. The end picture is random each time and for some reason it is a whopping 10MB which is probably due to the awesome remix of a song you should know. Enjoy.

(Requires at least 10MB of space, and performs best on machines where System 32 has been removed. You will also need some way of unzipping the file and it may not work on Macs because Macs are ridden with System 32-ness or something like that.)


Friday, 10 June 2011

Challenger Approaches

Mystery Character
Who is this character? Is it the body of the Mysterious Voice? Will Charles Xavier ever lose his hair and get a wheelchair? Why does it look so much like something out of Minecraft? The answer to all of these questions and more will be answered soon.


Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Hey, everyone.

It's been a while hasn't it. Us bloggers haven't seen much of each other as the year is finished, but still keen on becoming Game Designers. We still have two years left and it will get interesting as Dan will be fighting of Dementors on the train from Cumbria, Liam will be playing with the whomping willow and for me, i'll just be sipping on good old Butter Beer while telling some gags. Oh sh**, thats Harry Potter but it will be like that for us in second year anyway (sort off). We will keep you updated on further things on Games Design though!

P.S i saw Xmen: First Class today because thats how i roll, but underneath you will see actual still events from footage that went on behind the scenes on Xmen 1.

Ryan (Soon to be Mutant).