Thursday, 29 September 2011

Pretty sure this comes with the DVD!

As you can see, everything has changed now. Our blog has gone up the ladders now. We used to be a little old blog, but now.... things have changed. The amount of awards with have won, and the acknowledgement from you guys has changed the way we blog now. Lets just say, we have gone yank on all you guys by becoming big and changing the appearance of ourselves. But do not fret...we are still the same people, but a nipple slip might happen!
The second year has nearly begun, and we have moved to a new building with people that can open many doors for us.

Will friendships be pushed to the bounderies?
Will there ever be a Jacuzzi in the disco bus?
Will Liam ever finish this second comic?

Too be continued...

P.s As Dan was talking about behind the scenes, i'm going to show you some footage which will never get shown unless you buy our DVD which will be on the bonus disk. Enjoy!

Me trying to get to the Media City on time!

Dan moving all his stuff to his new accomodation!

Me filming Liam at the 10,000 view party! and trying to do the Xavier walk.


Friday, 16 September 2011

Slight Modifications

Hi guys, it's me again!

There has been a couple of changes to the Blog behind the scenes. You will notice one of them in that our background has changed. Traditionally we used to do it every month but after the second month we just left it so this is a welcome change. Another of these changes is this 'Favicon'. If you bookmark this site then our icon will no longer be the B from Blogspot but should be a nice picture of Trollface instead. Finally, we've had some music playing in the background when you come here for a while now. We haven't got rid of it but have upgraded it for use with HTML5 browsers only. That means if you can't hear the song then you either have your speakers turned off or you need to upgrade your browser. Hopefully we will be using some more HTML5 features on here in the future!


Sunday, 11 September 2011

A Game of Epicly Crispy Proportions

Hi kids!

In just over a week's time your favourite bloggers will be getting together for the first time in a while with the whole induction week (although nobody actually knows what is happening then) and then we will be back full time. What this means is that we will be updating the Blog more often, messing around in lectures, and playing pool (provided that Media City has a pool table).

In the mean time though we teamed up with Walker's Crisps, Match of the Day and Epic Games to create a limited edition version of the upcoming Gears of War 3. It is exclusive to you, our viewers, and you can get it now from all good participating retailers. Here's the cover:
Use your Crisp-enhanced Lancer to take down those pesky Ear Locust!
Until next time!