Hey Viewers, it's me your friendly neighbourhood friend Ryan!
We have finally got over 10,000 views now. When we started this we thought nothing off it really, but then we started to find out how much attention it was attracting. Even celebs love our blog!... IMAGINE THAT. I still remember the day when we started this blog, i was someone who just ate Banana's and told appalling jokes, Dan told the Elders that it's his life and he can do what he wants with it, and for Liam, well we found out his mum is a big fan of Jeremy Kyle (Private joke guysss).
I would also like to thank our fans, with out you...we're nothing. NOTHING I TELL YOU! Anyway, can't talk, i'm going to the after party with the other bloggers. So in the words of Gary Motherf**king Oak.... "Smell Ya Later".
My reaction when i saw we got 10,000 views! |
Dan's reaction when he saw we got 10,000 views! |
Liam's reaction when he saw we got 10,000 views! |
Emma Watson telling us how she wanted to make the after party through a webcam! |